Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sometimes when I'm viewing magazines or websites, I ask myself, "How did that lady feel about modeling that?"  Some articles of clothing or accessories are just... strange, and sometimes you can tell the model hates what she's wearing.  

For example:

The Fuzzy Wuzzy Earmuffs by Love Culture

Fuzzy Wuzzy Earmuffs, YELLOW, large

It's just silly how serious this model is trying to look wearing these.  They're giant yellow furballs on your head.  Yes, look far off into the distance and pray they take these off of you shortly.

Fuzzy Wuzzy Earmuffs, YELLOW, large

Um... yeah, this model looks pissed.  She's beautiful, but she looks pissed.  Should have given her the Fuzzy Wuzzy Headband instead.

- Brittany